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Day 1: Kick Off

Today marked the kick-off of my transformative journey, and here’s a candid account of how the day unfolded:

Weight Tracking: Started the day at 98kg. Yep, it’s a number that grabbed my attention. I’ll be sharing a photo soon, capturing the beginning of this journey.

Water Intake: Managed to exceed the 2-liter goal. Excitedly awaiting a 2-litre water bottle from Amazon to better track my daily water intake.

Steps: Achieved 8153 steps. Falling short of the 15,000-step target was a challenge, but I went for a morning walk. Life got in the way of the evening steps, but no excuses—tomorrow is a new opportunity.

Workout: Utilized kettlebells from Decathlon that I bought last week, for a home workout, following exercises from YouTube. Originally planned to hit the gym but missed it. Lesson learned: I need to make it a rule. Straight away to the action plan.

Diet: While I initially believed I successfully adhered to the “No Sugar” rule, I just realized I had a sweetened tea when my wife handed one over in the evening.

Calorie Tracking: A tough task. Set multiple alarms to remind myself, and it’s done. The app predicts that if I continue this way, I’ll weigh 93kg in 5 weeks. Sharing a screenshot of today’s food intake— not the cleanest, but it makes me accountable.

Sleep by 10 PM: Writing this article at 1:40 AM reveals I missed the mark. Acknowledging it as a slip, and committing to do better tomorrow. After all, progress is about learning and adjusting.

How Do I Feel Today?

Despite the late-night writing session, I feel a mix of accomplishment and awareness. Acknowledging both victories and areas for improvement, I’m excited for the journey ahead. Each challenge is a stepping stone to success, and tomorrow brings a fresh opportunity to make positive choices. Onward to Day 2! 🚀

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